BWH News

“Hotel industry at risk without major recruitment reputation overhaul” – Tim Rumney CEO of BWH Hotels GB sounds the alarm

“Hotel industry at risk without major recruitment reputation overhaul” – Tim Rumney CEO of BWH Hotels GB sounds the alarm

Tim Rumney, CEO of BWH Hotels GB, warns that the hotel industry faces significant risks without a major overhaul in recruitment practices and reputati... by Tim Rumney CEO of BWH Hotels GB
5 ways to showcase your sustainability credentials

5 ways to showcase your sustainability credentials

From solar panels on the roof to biodegradable soaps in the bathrooms, here are 5 ways your hotel can showcase its sustainability credentials. by Tracy Wilkins - Operations Director at BWH Hotels GB
The hotel industry in 2024: What can we expect?

The hotel industry in 2024: What can we expect?

What can the hotel industry expect to see in 2024? Here are some key areas that’ll require your attention. by Andrew Glover - Head of Revenue at BWH Hotels GB
There is still room for Booking Good

There is still room for Booking Good

Hotels can drive direct bookings (and we can help you) by Tim Rumney - CEO at BWH Hotels GB
SEO Tips for Hotels

SEO Tips for Hotels

Boosting your SEO ranking can help you bring in more bookings, but how can you climb the results pages? Here are 5 tips you should follow. by Owen McConaghy - SEO Executive at BWH Hotels GB
5 Ways to Promote Your Hotel on Social Media

5 Ways to Promote Your Hotel on Social Media

We know social media is a powerful tool but it can also be overwhelming. Here are 5 ways you can promote your hotel on social media. by Abigail Stephenson - Digital Marketing Executive at BWH Hotels GB

Lets Talk

Contact our Hotel Development Team
Terii Dunne
Terii Dunne
Business Development Director
With a lifelong career in the hotel industry, Terii leads new business for BWH Hotels GB across our array of 19 brands. Whether you are a developer, operator, or owner of hotels, Terii is the person to talk to about working with a brand that understands you.
Mark Stanley
Mark Stanley
Head of Hotel Development & Member Services
With 23 years' of brand experience, Mark directs Acquisition, Retention and Quality strategies. He manages hotel growth via new recruitments into BWH brands, new builds and conversion projects, maintains brand quality, and is key in developing member engagement.